Today I was up at 7am to teach year 8’s and 10’s at Farnborough School.
We started out with a song and talked about where blues originates from and how the location tells a lot about the sound. We walked thru the different styles o f blues and I asked them to join me on the instruments set up piano, bass and drums. At least one of them played horn in each of the year classes and they all had a go at the Twelve-bar blues and we ended with a Sam Cooke version of Little Red Rooster.
In the afternoon we started with songs of blues, I showed them about the gospel sound and we played the instruments and experienced hands-on how to build a song. I ended the class with them forming groups and writing their own.
I enjoy giving back to the young who have an interest and want to be a part of the music world. I started at age 3 and never had anyone who took time to show me about music. I started out by myself but now have a lot of great people helping me bring my music to a wider audience.
I do hope some of the class got something out of today.